Match - Erotic Art -

Match - Erotic Art -

Silver leaf, acrylic gouache, ink on paper
Six-panel folding screen

Shunga was a popular type of ukiyo-e depicting erotic scenes.
Whether their true purpose was for sex education, culture, ideology, or religion remains a mystery.

It is surprising to find that shunga is expressed not only in pictures but with a lot of kana calligraphy.
The pictures and letters on a folding screen form an exquisite balance.
The fact that the entire image is covered in calligraphic letters
provides variable, enchanting effects that never cease to attract the viewer.

Giving traditional, unrestrained shunga freedom, the letters begin to dance in midair,
The traces of sumi ink taken away from the print are drawn over with a brush and turned into a three-dimensional sculpture.
Thus, the birth of a new shunga.

Shunga were secretly cherished by the people of Edo.
Only by moving one’s body and point of view can the viewer can come face to face with the work,
It is appreciated in secret.